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AugieDog Software Developer

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My Projects


This web App was developed as a React-based Whac-a-Mole game, but later wrapped the React build with a nodeJS serverless backend that handles the high score database on MondoDB. The game is really fun to play, so there is a deployment. I encourage you to set the high score yourself!

Painting App

The Painting App was originally a school project that I had made when my daughters were young. It's simple and fun. They always loved playing it.

Poke Dex

I built this App as a fun project with React JS. the data is powered from PokeAPI 'thank you for the free use!' hope you have fun using the app and thank you for taking intrest in how it's made

Choose Your Own Adventure Game

What will your ending be?
As a kid I loved the books so this has been a little side project. It's coded as one if-then-else function. Yeah it's a nightmare to maintain, but I keep adding new endings. Perhaps one day it will be something more. For now, have some fun!


Hello and Welcome to the Yahtzee Browser Game I have been asked to make a game that would showcase what I've learned in the last few monthes. This game is made using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS compiled with Sass.

Dice App

you get to throw some dice while the browser counts and caltulates your percetage


A simple Digital Clock- with day of the week- and toggle between 12-24

Trivia Game

A silly Trivia Game

My Story

about img


Awesome Augie & Loving Pookie

I am a software developer eager to expand my expertise across various development stacks. My previous work experiences highlight my passion for learning and my ability to quickly acquire new skills. I thrive in dynamic environments and am committed to continuous professional growth and innovation in the tech industry.

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