
Upper Section How to Score Player#1 Player#2
Aces Count and Add Only Aces
Twos Count and Add Only Twos
Threes Count and Add Only Threes
Fours Count and Add Only Fours
Fives Count and Add Only Fives
Sixes Count and Add Only Sixes
Bonus If total score is over 63
Lower Section
3 of a kind Add Total Of All Dice
4 of a kind Add Total Of All Dice
Full House SCORE 25
Sm. Straight SCORE 30
Lg. Straight SCORE 40
Yahtzee Score 50
Chance Score Total Of All 5 Dice
Bonus SCORE 100 per Yahtzee
Total Score →→→→→→→→→→

How to Play



Roll dice for scoring combinations, and get the highest total score.

This Game is still under development, some features don't work yet: Roll Limits, turn base play and the scorecard needs a little help

Game Summary

On each turn, roll the dice up to 3 times to get the highest scoring combination for one of 13 categories. After you finish rolling, you must place a score or a zero in one of the 13 category boxes on your score card. The game ends when all players have filled in their 13 boxes. Scores are totaled, including any bonus points. The player with the highest total wins.

Taking a Turn

On your turn, you may roll the dice up to 3 times, although you may stop and score after your first or second roll.To write in your score just click on the score card , this will end your turn. To roll the dice, just press the button to roll them out.

First roll: Roll all 5 dice. Set any "keepers" aside by clicking them. This will automatically tally your score. You may keep your score, or roll again.

Second roll: Reroll ANY or ALL dice you want left in the yellow field. You don't need to declare which combination you're rolling for; you may change your mind after any roll.

You may take your score now, or empty your "keepers" and roll a third time.

Third and final roll: Reroll ANY or ALL dice you want. After your third roll, you must fill in a box on your score card with a score or a zero. After you fill in a box your turn is over.


The original ScoreCard





I just learned how to play Yahtzee not all that long ago, and had just thought it would be a fun game to make my own version of.

How it's Made

This game is made using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS compiled with Sass. The fonts are from Google, but the CSS and Dice animation are homemade.

Here is a link to the Repository


The colors for this project came from this picture, an old copy of the game.

Big Thanks To Rebecca